All posts by poledancing

When Being Good Destroys You and Your Body

Are you trying to be “good”?  Is it destroying you? 

It destroyed me for most of my life.  It was 9 years ago that my body and I said YES to Pole Dancing.  

I knew this choice would change my life forever.  What I didn’t know, was how deeply The Pole would contribute to every aspect of what I wanted to BE in the world.

Every energy I used to destroy myself, The Pole invited me to unlock it and embody it with total pleasure.  

Growing up I had to uphold the image of perfection.  

Be a good girl.
Do what you’re told.
Be quiet.
Sit still.
Don’t talk back.
Don’t rock the boat or be too different.

I put on a smile for everyone else while dying on the inside.  

I rebelled.
I resisted.
I argued.
I fought.

And eventually…

I suppressed.

I turned all that energy inward and directed it at myself.  

It resulted in a complete lockdown of everything that was beautiful about me.

Good thing I was a fighter.  

When I couldn’t stand being that way anymore, I stopped fighting against everyone else and began fighting for myself.  As I chose things that would make me happy, no matter what anyone else thought, I found myself again.  

All the parts of myself I had shut down and locked up.  

I hesitated posting these pictures.  They’re so dark and intense.  But I love them.  They show a side of me not many get to see in public. And I’m done hiding.  The time is now.

I wonder though…what’s the value of pretending to be happy all of the time?

In addition to being joyful, playful and flirty, I am also deep, intense, fierce and sensual.

All of those energies exist within me simultaneously… all of the time…

I had to get over the point of view that any of them were wrong and bad – even though that’s what I was told over and over again. 

Always alive and moving.  I don’t shut anything down anymore.  

It has been The Pole that has facilitated me into embodying ALL of these energies.  The Pole has no point of view.  The Pole can handle all the energies I be in any given moment.  It stands strong and stays with me no matter what I throw at it.  

Do you have anyone in your life that can be that for you?

My Erotic Creature is dark and potent as f**ck.  She’s the one that says “no more” and owns it unapologetically.  She’s the one that creates the space for me to ALSO be joyful and playful.  She’s the one that drives me to be more of me in the world.  

A lot of people don’t get me.  That’s ok.  You can’t “get” me.  

At least not on a logical level.  

For the first time in my life, I’m ok with that.  

I don’t need to prove anything and I don’t need you to like me.  

What I need is to be ALL of me.  No matter what that may look like to anyone else.

That’s what I came here to BE.  Everything.

What about you?

Did you know that when you shut down one energy, you’re shutting down all energies?

You can’t be ALL of you when half of you is locked away in a box never to be seen.


Join me for a Pole Dancing For Consciousness Warp-Up Taster Online Event!  Move your body and unleash your magnificence into the world!  

Find out more here:


What does joy look like to your body?

What is embodied joy?

Embodied joy is the kind of joy that permeates and infuses every cell and molecule of your body AND your being

Embodied joy is vibrant with delightful.

Embodied joy is expansive, generative and contagious.

Embodied joy radiates from every pore of your body and being.

Embodied joy reverberates exuberantly throughout your entire life and living.

You know someone has embodied joy when you look into their eyes and your whole world expands.

It really wasn’t until I brought this energy into movement with my body,  that I got the sense of what it is to truly embody joy.

How does joy show up in bodies?  This is what it looked like for me….

(Song credit:  Bayo by Michael Brun)

I just wrapped up my latest Body: Friend or Foe? webinar and my body and I were so joyful and happy! The energy was so expansive I brought it to the Pole and WOW!

The way embodied joy showed up for me was bouncy and playful.

My body wanted to prance around.

She tussled her hair and made funny faces.

She wanted to fly (I love flying on the pole)

She giggled, flirted, smiled and teased.

We were vibrant, vivacious and shiny and we wanted the whole world to play with us!

What does joy and pleasure look like for your body?

What’s beyond pretense?

I haven’t  always been joyful.  

I put on a fake smile for a long time.  It’s what I was supposed to do…

Pretend to be happy.

Pretend to be perfect.

Pretend everything was ok, when it wasn’t…

Sound familiar?

It seems to be something we are entrained to do.  To pretend and prove that we’re happy and we’ve got it all together.

Have you ever been around people who are pretending or proving they’re happy?   I know this discrepancy well as I lived it for so long…

On the surface it seems they are happy and yet, you KNOW something is askew.

You’re uncomfortable, you can’t quite put your finger on it.  

You doubt yourself because they “seem so happy”.  

Might you be aware of the façade?  

The energy that is beyond the front they are creating?

Here are 3 easy tips to invite true joy into your life:

      1. Go out and do something FUN for you!

Do something that makes you laugh so uncontrollably you think you want to pee your pants.  Then, allow that joy to infuse every area of your body and molecules. Expand your energy out beyond your body, beyond the city you live in, beyond the Earth out towards the Sun and Pluto and beyond.   And ask the energy to exponentialize even more.

      2. Celebrate yourself!

Every chance you get, acknowledge the greatness of you.  Invite gratitude for you into your life. Allow yourself to be happy for you AND everyone around you.  We’re not taught to be happy for ourselves. go ahead, I give you permission to celebrate and acknowledge yourself every day!

      3. Dance!

Find a song that creates joy for you and your body and dance like no one is watching!  Allow yourself to be silly, bouncy and fun. Laugh at yourself and with yourself and enJOY yourself.

How does your body want to be touched when she (or he) is in a true space of joy?

What if you found a song or a movement that invited true joy into your body, life and living?

How much fun can you have?

If you’d like more embodied joy, come play with me  in the Body Love Club.

What does YOUR body love?

Join me for a 90 day adventure to discover all of the delicious possibilities with your body.

Find out more here:

The Magic of Pole Dancing

Have you ever walked in the rain and allowed it to caress every inch of your skin?

Have you ever eaten anything that exploded in your mouth and expanded every cell in your body?

Have you ever gotten dressed and felt so good that everyone you talked to that day complemented you?

What about dancing?  Have you ever just allowed your body to move the way it wants to move?  Not trying to doanything, just being the dance?

It took me half of my life to be able to say yes to these questions.

As a matter of fact, if you had asked me these questions about a year ago I would not have know what you meant at all!

I began my journey with pole dancing in 2011.  I could tell you that when I first heard about pole dancing, I was shocked at the idea of stripping as a way of working out.  That would be a total lie though.  My body practically leaped at the chance to pole dance.  So much so that when I was looking for belly dancing classes, she actually led me to a pole dancing studio instead!  Smart body…

I remember going to a strip club in college.  I was in awe of the women who were working there.  The way they sashayed their bodies across the stage, the way men lusted after them, the beauty in their curves and the softness of their skin glistening in the lights.  I wanted that.  Of course, I couldn’t have that.  What would everyone think?

Fifteen years later I find myself in a candlelit dance studio with a group of women.  Sitting around a pole, music softly playing in the background, I claim my desire to re-connect to my feminine essence.  I explain that somewhere along my journey I have shut down my very being and it’s destroying my life.

That night changed my life forever and what I have gained since has been beyond anything I could have imagined.  Over the several years I have learned to listen to my body.  Pole dancing gifted me with the chance to let go of my mind and surrender her.  Surrendering to the way she wants to move, the music she wants to dance to, the moves she wants to make.

This didn’t happen overnight though.  There were many times when I noticed my mind did not want to trust or honor the intelligence of my body.  My mind would say:  “You want my to do what with just one hand?”  “I’m not strong enough to hold myself upside down!” “ok, that is crazy, I can’t do that!”  “You should not be touching yourself like that”.

There were certain tricks that absolutely required knowing my body would support me and take care of me.  There were so many times when I let go and she surprised me with total delight.  There were other times when I listened to her and chose to do the trick some other time.  Pole Dancing was about tuning in to my body and allowing her to choose what she required in that moment.  It was about honoring where she was that day and choosing for her, not against her.

And then there were the women in my class…the beautiful, courageous women who were on this journey with me.  We clapped, cheered and supported each other.  We celebrated everything.  Nothing was a failure.

How can anything be a failure when you’re honoring you?

Pole dancing wasn’t the only thing that contributed to my transformation.   In 2012, I began adding the tools I was learning in Access Consciousness to my dances.  I was aware that there were things locked into my body that were being released through my dancing.

Over the years my body had picked up judgments and shut herself down from the cruelties of this reality.  All of that was unwinding now and I was finally alive.  In this body.  In this life. Creating and generating beyond anything I could have imagined.  None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t included my body in this journey towards consciousness.

In my universe, pole dancing is an invitation to more consciousness with your body and your being.  In my universe Pole Dancing and Access consciousness have merged into a delicious adventure where I get to explore more of the Being I truly be.  How does it get any better than that?!

Where are you in your journey with your body?

Do you listen to what your body requires?

What would it take to have gratitude for your body?  Honor? Allowance?  Trust?

What is embodiment in this reality?

Be the magic you are,

Patty Alfonso

Want to know more?  Grab my 4-part FREE Video series here: